Tbe 2 Limited (issued a New Zealand Business Number of 9429030681415) was started on 02 May 2012. 5 addresess are currently in use by the company: Po Box 13289, Tauranga Central, Tauranga, 3141 (type: postal, office). 19D Gargan Road, Rd1, Tauranga had been their registered address, until 18 Dec 2014. 100 shares are issued to 1 shareholder who belongs to 1 shareholder group. The first group consists of 1 entity and holds 100 shares (100 per cent of shares), namely:
Locus Trustees Limited (an entity) located at Onehunga, Auckland postcode 1061. "Land development or subdivision (excluding buildings construction)" (business classification E321110) is the category the ABS issued Tbe 2 Limited. Businesscheck's data was updated on 30 Sep 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
L1, 59 The Strand, Tauranga Central, Tauranga, 3110 | Physical & service & registered | 18 Dec 2014 |
Po Box 13289, Tauranga Central, Tauranga, 3141 | Postal | 10 Jun 2019 |
L1, 59 The Strand, Tauranga Central, Tauranga, 3110 | Office & delivery | 10 Jun 2019 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Bryce Gordon Donne
Tauranga, 3110
Address used since 01 Nov 2022
Point Chevalier, Auckland, 1022
Address used since 02 May 2012 |
Director | 02 May 2012 - current |
L1, 59 The Strand , Tauranga Central , Tauranga , 3110 |
Previous address | Type | Period |
19d Gargan Road, Rd1, Tauranga, 3171 | Registered & physical | 02 May 2012 - 18 Dec 2014 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Locus Trustees Limited Shareholder NZBN: 9429030682405 Entity (NZ Limited Company) |
Onehunga Auckland 1061 |
02 May 2012 - current |
Effective Date | 21 Jul 1991 |
Name | Locus Trustees Limited |
Type | Ltd |
Ultimate Holding Company Number | 3805436 |
Country of origin | NZ |
Belk 500 Limited L1, 59 The Strand |
Porowhita Farms Limited L1, 59 The Strand |
Tbe 3 Limited L1, 59 The Strand |
Taurikura Trustees Limited L1, 59 The Strand |
Element Civil Construction Limited L1, 59 The Strand |
White Pine Limited L1, 59 The Strand |
Taylor Sisters Limited 60 Durham Street |
Hardcorp Homes Limited Suite 1, 525 Cameron Road |
Hopito Limited 141a Fifteenth Avenue |
Dunaros Holdings Limited Level 1, 314 Maunganui Rd |
The Lakes (2012) Limited 61 Westmorland Rise |
Parton Road Land Limited 61 Westmorland Rise |