Specialty Staples Limited (issued an NZ business identifier of 9429033658049) was incorporated on 16 Jan 2007. 4 addresses are currently in use by the company: 36 Bridge Street, Ahuriri, Napier, 4110 (type: registered, service). Specialty Staples Limited used other aliases, namely: Speciality Staples Limited from 16 Jan 2007 to 16 Jan 2007. 100 shares are allocated to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group consists of 1 entity and holds 33 shares (33% of shares), namely:
Jones, Denise Margaret-Rose (an individual) located at Puketapu. When considering the second group, a total of 1 shareholder holds 67% of all shares (exactly 67 shares); it includes
Cook, Kevin Spencer (an individual) - located at Puketapu. Our data was updated on 23 Oct 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
Marewa House, Kennedy Road, Napier | Physical & registered & service | 16 Jan 2007 |
36 Bridge Street, Ahuriri, Napier, 4110 | Registered & service | 28 Mar 2023 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Kevin Spencer Cook
Puketapu, Napier, 4186
Address used since 18 Mar 2016 |
Director | 16 Jan 2007 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Jones, Denise Margaret-rose Individual |
Puketapu |
16 Jan 2007 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Cook, Kevin Spencer Individual |
Puketapu |
16 Jan 2007 - current |
Party Ice Supplies (hb) Limited Marewa House, Kennedy Road |
C Potaka Contractor Limited Marewa House |
A 1 International Trade Limited Marewa House |
Chris Dale Investments Limited Marewa House |
Kmdp Investments Limited Marewa House |
702 Ag Limited Marewa House |