General information

Whakatane Printers 2000 Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
New Zealand Business Number
Company Number
Company Status

Whakatane Printers 2000 Limited (issued an NZ business number of 9429038089404) was incorporated on 22 May 1997. 2 addresses are currently in use by the company: 162B King Street, Whakatane (type: other, physical). 18 Peace Street, Whakatane had been their registered address, up to 22 May 1997. 10000 shares are allotted to 4 shareholders who belong to 4 shareholder groups. The first group contains 1 entity and holds 2500 shares (25% of shares), namely:
Turnbull, Ian Bruce (an individual) located at Whakatane. When considering the second group, a total of 1 shareholder holds 25% of all shares (exactly 2500 shares); it includes
Turnbull, Delwyn Jane (an individual) - located at Whakatane. Moving on to the 3rd group of shareholders, share allocation (2500 shares, 25%) belongs to 1 entity, namely:
Walker, Barry Marshall, located at Whakatane (an individual). Our data was updated on 19 Feb 2024.

Current address Type Used since
18 Peace Street, Whakatane Service & physical 22 May 1997
162b King Street, Whakatane Other (Address for Records) 25 Jun 2007
Name and Address Role Period
Barry Marshall Walker
Whakatane, Whakatane,
Address used since 21 May 2015
Director 22 May 1997 - current
Delwyn Jane Turnbull
Whakatane, Whakatane, 3120
Address used since 21 May 2015
Director 22 May 1997 - current
Previous address Type Period
18 Peace Street, Whakatane Registered 22 May 1997 - 22 May 1997
Financial Data
Financial info
Total number of Shares
Annual return filing month
02 Feb 2023
Annual return last filed
Country of origin
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 2500
Shareholder Name Address Period
Turnbull, Ian Bruce
22 May 1997 - current
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 2500
Shareholder Name Address Period
Turnbull, Delwyn Jane
22 May 1997 - current
Shares Allocation #3 Number of Shares: 2500
Shareholder Name Address Period
Walker, Barry Marshall
22 May 1997 - current
Shares Allocation #4 Number of Shares: 2500
Shareholder Name Address Period
Walker, Linda Frances
22 May 1997 - current
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