General information

Son Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
New Zealand Business Number
Company Number
Company Status
F372010 - Cosmetic Wholesaling
Industry classification codes with description

Son Limited (New Zealand Business Number 9429041045305) was registered on 23 Dec 2013. 2 addresses are in use by the company: 12 B Bond Crescent, Forrest Hill, Auckland, 0620 (type: registered, physical). 10000 shares are allotted to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group consists of 1 entity and holds 100 shares (1% of shares), namely:
Popova, Elena (an individual) located at Forrest Hill, Auckland postcode 0620. In the second group, a total of 1 shareholder holds 99% of all shares (exactly 9900 shares); it includes
Kartashova, Victoria (a director) - located at Forrest Hill, Auckland. "Cosmetic wholesaling" (ANZSIC F372010) is the category the ABS issued to Son Limited. Businesscheck's database was updated on 27 Mar 2024.

Current address Type Used since
12 B Bond Crescent, Forrest Hill, Auckland, 0620 Registered & physical & service 23 Dec 2013
Name and Address Role Period
Victoria Kartashova
Forrest Hill, Auckland, 0620
Address used since 23 Dec 2013
Director 23 Dec 2013 - current
Financial Data
Financial info
Total number of Shares
Annual return filing month
09 Oct 2023
Annual return last filed
Country of origin
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 100
Shareholder Name Address Period
Popova, Elena
Forrest Hill
23 Dec 2013 - current
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 9900
Shareholder Name Address Period
Kartashova, Victoria
Forrest Hill
23 Dec 2013 - current
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