Buildcon Projects Limited (issued an NZ business identifier of 9429041660331) was incorporated on 23 Mar 2015. 2 addresses are currently in use by the company: 50 Randolph Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, 1010 (type: physical, registered). 100 shares are issued to 1 shareholder who belongs to 1 shareholder group. The first group contains 1 entity and holds 100 shares (100% of shares), namely:
Roberts, Gregory Bruce (a director) located at Ostend, Waiheke Island postcode 1081. "Repair (general) or renovation of residential buildings nec" (business classification E301920) is the classification the ABS issued to Buildcon Projects Limited. The Businesscheck data was last updated on 03 Dec 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
50 Randolph Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, 1010 | Physical & registered & service | 23 Mar 2015 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Gregory Bruce Roberts
Ostend, Waiheke Island, 1081
Address used since 15 Jul 2016 |
Director | 23 Mar 2015 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Roberts, Gregory Bruce Director |
Ostend Waiheke Island 1081 |
23 Mar 2015 - current |
Loop Media NZ Limited 50 Randolph Street |
Bigpop Music Publishing Limited 50 Randolph Street |
Little Pop Productions Limited 50 Randolph Street |
Crs One Limited 50 Randolph Street |
Dimmer Limited 50 Randolph Street |
Che Fu Entertainment Limited 50 Randolph Street |
Vls Enterprises Limited Level 2, 3 Arawa Street |
Mackenzie Project Management Limited 6 Sylvan Avenue East |
One Little Job Limited 50 Airedale Street |
Project Bathrooms Limited 123b Dominion Road |
Heaton Grove Limited 4/11 Wellesley Street West |
Dc Carpenters Limited 41 Kingsland Avenue |