2 Watts Transport Limited (NZBN 9429042142959) was started on 15 Jan 2016. 1 address is currently in use by the company: 70 Albert Park Drive, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu, 3800 (type: registered, physical). 70 Albert Park Drive, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu had been their physical address, up until 19 Nov 2019. 1000 shares are allotted to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group contains 1 entity and holds 500 shares (50% of shares), namely:
Tyne Watts (a director) located at Ngaruawahia, Ngaruawahia postcode 3720. As far as the second group is concerned, a total of 1 shareholder holds 50% of all shares (exactly 500 shares); it includes
Paula Watts (a director) - located at Ngaruawahia, Ngaruawahia. "Road freight transport service" (business classification I461040) is the classification the ABS issued to 2 Watts Transport Limited. The Businesscheck information was updated on 15 Oct 2021.
Current address | Type | Used since |
70 Albert Park Drive, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu, 3800 | Registered & physical | 19 Nov 2019 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Tyne Bruce Watts
Ngaruawahia, Ngaruawahia, 3720
Address used since 15 Jan 2016 |
Director | 15 Jan 2016 - current |
Paula Louise Watts
Ngaruawahia, Ngaruawahia, 3720
Address used since 15 Jan 2016 |
Director | 15 Jan 2016 - current |
Previous address | Type | Period |
70 Albert Park Drive, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu, 3800 | Physical & registered | 15 Jan 2016 - 19 Nov 2019 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Tyne Bruce Watts Director |
Ngaruawahia Ngaruawahia 3720 |
15 Jan 2016 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Paula Louise Watts Director |
Ngaruawahia Ngaruawahia 3720 |
15 Jan 2016 - current |
Mclaughlin Helicopter Contracting Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
Cameron Transport Cambridge Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
Woodford Gray Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
Land And Home NZ Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
Plowright Builders Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
Rlmm Developments Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
Cameron Transport Cambridge Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
P.g.f. Transport Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
Peake Logistics Christchurch Limited 70 Albert Park Drive |
C & S Transport Limited 855 Frontier Road |
Te Awamutu Radiators (2022) Limited 265 Te Tahi Road |
Leo&michelle Transport Limited 9 Ingram Rd |