Nbr Investments Limited (New Zealand Business Number 9429035534600) was started on 11 Mar 2004. 2 addresses are in use by the company: 35 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore City, 0632 (type: physical, registered). Level 3, Textile Centre, 117 St Georges Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland had been their registered address, until 13 Jul 2010. 1000 shares are issued to 5 shareholders who belong to 3 shareholder groups. The first group consists of 1 entity and holds 5 shares (0.5 per cent of shares), namely:
Bailey, Barbara Anne (an individual) located at Belmont, North Shore City postcode 0622. As far as the second group is concerned, a total of 1 shareholder holds 0.5 per cent of all shares (exactly 5 shares); it includes
Bailey, Neil Stuart (an individual) - located at Belmont, North Shore City. Next there is the third group of shareholders, share allocation (990 shares, 99%) belongs to 3 entities, namely:
Bailey, Barbara Anne, located at Belmont, North Shore City (an individual),
Bailey, Neil Stuart, located at Belmont, North Shore City (an individual),
Davis, Christopher John, located at Takapuna, North Shore City (an individual). The Businesscheck data was updated on 18 Oct 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
35 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore City, 0632 | Physical & registered & service | 13 Jul 2010 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Neil Stuart Bailey
Belmont, North Shore City, 0622
Address used since 27 Apr 2011 |
Director | 11 Mar 2004 - current |
Barbara Anne Bailey
Belmont, North Shore City, 0622
Address used since 27 Apr 2011 |
Director | 11 Mar 2004 - current |
Previous address | Type | Period |
Level 3, Textile Centre, 117 St Georges Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland | Registered & physical | 11 Mar 2004 - 13 Jul 2010 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Bailey, Barbara Anne Individual |
Belmont North Shore City 0622 |
11 Mar 2004 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Bailey, Neil Stuart Individual |
Belmont North Shore City 0622 |
11 Mar 2004 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Bailey, Barbara Anne Individual |
Belmont North Shore City 0622 |
11 Mar 2004 - current |
Bailey, Neil Stuart Individual |
Belmont North Shore City 0622 |
11 Mar 2004 - current |
Davis, Christopher John Individual |
Takapuna North Shore City 0622 |
11 Mar 2004 - current |
Kun Investment Limited 21 Spencer Road Albany |
Navico Group Apac Limited 42 Apollo Drive |
Music-ways Limited 4/75 Apollo Drive |
Auckland Orthopaedic Surgeons Limited 119 Apollo Drive |
Fusion Creative Limited 13c 33-35 Apollo Dr |
Hairnow On Apollo Limited 119 Apollo Drive |