Qts Limited (issued an NZBN of 9429033668710) was incorporated on 09 Jan 2007. 2 addresses are currently in use by the company: 4 Bledisloe Court, Pukekohe, Pukekohe, 2120 (type: registered, physical). 381 Upper Queen Street, Pukekohe had been their physical address, up until 07 May 2013. 100 shares are issued to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group consists of 1 entity and holds 50 shares (50 per cent of shares), namely:
Straker, Karl Adrian (an individual) located at Pukekohe, Pukekohe postcode 2120. As far as the second group is concerned, a total of 1 shareholder holds 50 per cent of all shares (exactly 50 shares); it includes
Hari, Lisa Elizabeth (an individual) - located at Pukekohe, Pukekohe. The Businesscheck database was updated on 03 Nov 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
4 Bledisloe Court, Pukekohe, Pukekohe, 2120 | Registered & physical & service | 07 May 2013 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Lisa Elizabeth Hari
Pukekohe, Pukekohe, 2120
Address used since 01 Apr 2013 |
Director | 09 Jan 2007 - current |
Karl Adrian Straker
Pukekohe, Pukekohe, 2120
Address used since 01 Apr 2013 |
Director | 09 Jan 2007 - current |
Previous address | Type | Period |
381 Upper Queen Street, Pukekohe | Physical & registered | 09 Jan 2007 - 07 May 2013 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Straker, Karl Adrian Individual |
Pukekohe Pukekohe 2120 |
09 Jan 2007 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Hari, Lisa Elizabeth Individual |
Pukekohe Pukekohe 2120 |
09 Jan 2007 - current |
Harikane Limited 5 Bledisloe Court |
Pukekohe Metro Cricket Club Incorporated Queen Street |
Pukekohe Amateur Swimming Club Incorporated The Jubilee Olympic Swimming Pool |
Bear & Rose Limited 143 Queen Street |
Jay & D Mistry Limited 159a Queen Street |
Colin Ratliff Plumbing Limited 18 Bledisloe Court |